Installing From the Azure Marketplace
The Azure Marketplace can be used to install the CloudCasa agent on AKS and Azure Arc clusters. Note that installations done through the Azure Marketplace will be billed through the Azure Marketplace. This requires that the CloudCasa for Azure service plan has been selected. If you wish to use a different service plan, you should install the CloudCasa agent using an alternate method, such as the default kubectl method or by using the Helm chart.
The agent is available in the Azure Marketplace at the following locations:
Installation Instructions
Before installing the agent on your first cluster, you should sign up for a CloudCasa account at: After logging in, go to the Configuration/Service Plans page, select the Marketplace tab, and enable the CloudCasa for Azure service plan.
Configure the cluster in CloudCasa by going to Clusters/Overview and selecting Add Cluster. Note the returned Cluster ID.
Start the installation process from the Azure marketplace, and a new tabbed window will open. Under the “Basics” tab select the subscription and resource group within which your AKS cluster is located.
Under the “Cluster Details” tab, choose the cluster on which you wish to install the CloudCasa agent by selecting it from the drop-down list.
In the “Cluster Extensions Details” tab, provide a name for the extension. This should normally be “CloudCasa”. Then enter CloudCasa’s cluster ID for the cluster.
Complete the installation process.
Once the agent is installed and running, the cluster state will change to “Active” in the CloudCasa portal.
Installation using the Azure CLI
An alternative method of installing is to use the Azure CLI (az). After the first two steps of the installation process above, use the following steps instead.
Note that this requires both the az CLI and the “k8s-extension”, which can be installed with az extension add --name k8s-extension
Login to the Azure CLI and select the Azure subscription that your cluster is in.
az login
Accept the CloudCasa for Azure AKS license agreement. Note that “catalogicsoftware1625626770507” is the Catalogic Software publisher ID.
az vm image accept-terms --offer cloudcasa-aks-app --plan cc-azure-aks --publish catalogicsoftware1625626770507
Install the extension. This requires that you know the cluster-name, resource-group, and cluster-type for your AKS cluster.
Give the extension a unique name and pass your CloudCasa cluster ID using the --config
az k8s-extension create --resource-group <resource-group> --cluster-name <cluster-name> -t <cluster-type>
\ --name <any-name> --extension-type catalogicsoftware.cloudcasaazureaks --plan-publisher catalogicsoftware1625626770507
\ --plan-name cc-azure-aks --plan-product cloudcasa-aks-app --config cluster_id=<CloudCasa Cluster ID>
See also
For more information on creating an extension instance using the Azure CLI, see the Create extension instance documentation.
De-installation instructions
Delete the cluster in CloudCasa.
See also
Un-install the agent from the cluster using the Azure portal.
Remove the cloudcasa-io namespace if it still exists.
If the agent was installed through the Azure Marketplace, you must un-install it from clusters where it is no longer being used or you will continue to be billed through the marketplace for the clusters.
If you have questions about installing the agent through the Azure Marketplace, contact CloudCasa support.