Getting Started with Velero Management

Step 1 - Create an Account

Point your favorite web browser to and create an account. No payment information is required for the Free service plan. Once you’ve signed in, you can invite other people to join your organization under Configuration/Users.

Step 2 - Add your clusters

From the menu bar, go to Configuration/Clusters. Click Add cluster + to create a new cluster. Ensure you select the option to “Manage an existing Velero instance”. Once added, pick your preferred installation method to install the CloudCasa Agent to manage Velero on your cluster. Once the installation of the agent on your cluster is completed, the cluster will automatically be shown as “Active” in the portal, and an initial inventory of Velero Custom Resources (CRs) will be done. CloudCasa will auto-detect the Velero installation on your cluster. If the cluster has more than one Velero installation, please set the velero namespace to manage under the Advanced Settings.

Step 3 - View and Manage your existing Velero configuration

CloudCasa will automatically inventory all Velero Custom Resources (CRs) on agent installation or restart, and track changes to them thereafter. The cataloged CRs include Backup, BackupStorageLocation, VolumeSnapshotLocation, Restore and Schedule. Under the Clusters/Overview page, a cluster overview is available where you can review the following:

  • Dashboard - You can find the Kubernetes version, Velero version, worker node count, Job Success Rates, PV Protection %Coverage, PV Snapshot %Coverage

  • Backups - List of all Backups defined on the cluster, their last run, traffic light view of the last 3 runs. You can edit these jobs, run them, delete them or restore from them.

  • Restores - List of all Restores defined on the cluster and their last run. You can edit these jobs, run them or delete them.

  • Recovery Points - List of all available recovery points created by all the Backups defined on the cluster. You can review where they are stored, run time, number of Persistent Volumes(PVs) included in the recovery point, expiration, size and backup type. You can also kick off a restore job from any of these recovery points.

  • Activities - List of all backup and restore activities on the cluster over the last X days.

  • Settings - List of all environmental variables, server configuration used during the install, installed plugins. This is a read only list and the settings cannot be edited/updated at this time.

Step 4 - Edit or Create a backup

Under the Cluster Overview page, the “Define Backup” option opens a wizard to define a backup job for your cluster. You can select full cluster or include/exclude namespaces, select resource types or labels. You can specify backup type: Snapshot or Filesystem Backup or choose to follow pod annotations during runtime. Next steps include defining options, selecting BackupStorageLocation, defining Application Hooks and Schedule for the backup job.

You can choose to run the job immediately and monitor the job’s progress realtime in the Activity Page of the Dashboard. At the end of the job, Velero logs are also available in the Activity tab.

You’re done!

That’s all there is to it! You can add as many clusters as you have and you can centrally manage your velero installations across multiple clusters.