Cluster Backups
The Cluster/Backups page shows all of your configured Kubernetes backups and allows you to run them, edit them, delete them, or create new ones.
See also
To add a cluster in your CloudCasa organization, see Overview of Clusters.
To protect databases, see Database Backups.

In the backup job list, each item has the following action buttons to perform actions on the job:
- Pause
Pause scheduling for this backup job (appears only if a policy is defined for the job and it is not already paused).
- Resume
Resume scheduling for this backup job (appears only if paused).
- Restore
Open the restore wizard to perform a restore from a backup created by this job.
- Run now
Run the backup job immediately regardless of the schedules in the associated policy.
- Edit
Edit the backup job.
- Remove
Delete the backup job.