CloudCasa Overview
CloudCasa by Catalogic is a data protection, recovery, and data mobility solution for Kubernetes, cloud databases, and cloud native applications. As a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution, CloudCasa eliminates the complexity of managing traditional backup infrastructure, while providing the same level of application consistent data protection that more traditional backup solutions provide for server-based applications. Further, it provides disaster recovery, security, and workload migration features that traditional backup solutions don’t.
CloudCasa offers two sets of data protection features for Kubernete, provided by two different modes that the CloudCasa agent can run in:
CloudCasa Pro uses a proprietary agent to provide backup service that is centrally controlled and managed. All configuration is stored centrally. Schedule and retention policies apply globally. Storage destinations may be shared and can be selected globally, by cluster, or by backup job. Scheduling is performed centrally. CloudCasa secure cloud storage is included by default.
CloudCasa Pro also allows the use of replication and migration jobs for data mobility, supports immutable backups with both CloudCasa storage (via SafeLock) and user-supplied storage (via object storage immutability), and allows multiple backup jobs to run in parallel on the same cluster.
CloudCasa Velero Management provides centralized management and monitoring for the popular open-source Velero backup software. All configuration is stored locally on each cluster, but managed centrally through CloudCasa. Schedules and retention policies are set individually for each backup job. Storage destinations are configured on a per-cluster basis. Scheduling is performed locally. Managing existing Velero installations is nearly effortless and neither requires nor makes any changes to your Velero configurations.
Uncertain which to use? No worries! All service plans, including the Free plan, allow you to use both. For paid plans, pricing is based on the number of worker nodes in your managed clusters.
CloudCasa also provides protection service for cloud databases such as Amazon RDS. This is critical for Kubernetes-based applications that persist data in cloud databases.
You can sign in to CloudCasa and protect your critical applications in minutes!